
These tutorials are the best place to learn about the basic features and the algorithms in hIPPYlib.

  1. FEniCS101 notebook illustrates the use of FEniCS for the solution of a linear boundary value problem.
  2. Poisson Deterministic notebook illustrates how to compute gradient/Hessian information and solve a non-linear parameter inversion for the Poisson equation in a deterministic setting.
  3. Subsurface Bayesian notebook illustrates how to solve a non-linear parameter inversion for the Poisson equation in a Bayesian setting.
  4. Advection-Diffusion Bayesian notebook illustrates how to solve a time-dependent linear inverse problem in a Bayesian setting.
  5. Hessian Spectrum notebook illustrates the spectral property of the Hessian operator for a linear source inversion problem.

The interactive ipython notebooks are located in the tutorial folder of the hIPPYlib release.

To run the notebooks follow these instructions.

  1. Open a FEniCS terminal and type
$ cd tutorial
$ jupyter notebook
  1. A new tab will open in your web-brower showing the notebooks.
  2. Click on the notebook you would like to use.
  3. To run all the code in the notebook simply click on Cell --> Run All.

For more information on installing ipython and using notebooks see here.